Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Magic Balloons

The majority of my work is done in black and white so this sculpture was a real breath of fresh air. So it is a shame that it doesn't really fit in with my practice. It was a real fun piece to make and i really enjoyed showing my work alongside Joel Wyllie's work.

Mr. T

The image above is how I intended the piece to be, but when my friend suggested I should cut the necklaces out and wear it like Mr. T, I couldn't help myself!


Combining my ideas on Argos Jewelry and hand made crystals together.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010


I am interested in the jewellery from Argos catalogues, I liked them because I thought they are funny and honest and I really enjoy browsing the catalogue poking fun at them but I didn’t like them because I thought they were a bit of a waste of natural resources. I am particularly interested in the men’s section so I made it into wallpaper with the intention of creating a sense of mass production as well as drawing people attention to the subject matter. The wallpaper doesn’t even look like a collection of jewellery from afar, the different tones of gold and silver blend into each other and their black background making an off bronze colour with only the thick metal chains standing out, It is rather disgusting. The closer you get to the piece the clearer the jewellery gets and it becomes enjoyable to browse the pages as if they were still in an Argos catalogue. So for me this piece set up an idea I still return to, making work which sits in between being beautiful and disgusting.

Quartz at Faith Space

Quartz (2009) a sculpture made out of thin paper and coated in clear varnish so when lit up, it gives the illusion of glowing crystals. Quartz initially looks reasonably well constructed and grand the way its lit up as it would be in a museum or one of those naff new age crystal shops but the shape is a simple dumb down version of a crystal, neither is it solid and dense but hollow, flimsy and hand made. The light also high lights the tabs and joins and brush strokes which shows the viewer how the sculpture was made.


These photos are a result of me playing around with the composition of Quartz in the Spike studios. I like using light in my sculptures because it has the ability to make the piece much bigger than its actual size.


This is the first Crystal piece I made in the middle of 2nd year.
I am surprised how polished the piece comes across
because its made out of card and stuck together with masking
tape! I wanted make 'Blue Peter' type replicas of crystals partly because of a friend on my course describing the slap dash approach as an endearing quality that suggest great enthusiasm.

Rat Kings

I found this is an old gardening book. I enjoy the explanation behind the phenomenon and think it belongs in the blair witch film!